
瘋子. 瘋子?

所有人都說他瘋了。徒步南、北極。可他還是做了。瘋子現在的目標是要挽救南極。他見到冰山崩裂、垃圾堆積,他說,"Save Antarctica. Of course we can.”

老實說,我一向對於那些誓要做世界第一、名垂千古的人不以為然,但當這瘋勁is for a cause,that’s a different story。

後記:Robert Swan在luncheon中問,「有多少人知道ozone hole已經受到控制?」搖頭。"Because that’s good news.”

2 則留言:

Daphne's Mom 說...

what amazed me is that he spent 7 years to raise the funds he need for his first "explorer" trip....

and of course "humor" can make the team stay together, although they now hate each other so much :)

阿貓 說...

What also amazed me is his insistence to keep Antarctica tidy, even though it means leaving his team there for another year... What amazed me even more is that his team agreed!