




最近手電筒(2年多)也出問題了。 還可以修嗎?或者應該說... 還可以抵擋誘惑嗎

2 則留言:

Daphne's Mom 說...

well the thing is all the new gadgets are becoming cheaper and cheaper....for my old digital camera, the cost for fixing is HK$800 and it is already the 2nd time that it was not working. if i spend HK$1600, maybe it's more economical to buy a new one, right?

阿貓 說...

I know, it is a difficult question. Things get broken so easily these days. My vacuum cleaner broke down after 1 year; my mom's old one lasted 5/6 years of intensive usage. It is said that companies used to pride themselves of the quality of goods they produced. Now? Forget it.