
Starbucks Again!

觀察了幾天,發現Starbucks故態復萌,再次使用紙碟膠刀叉。向店員詢問,答案匪夷所思:是為了禽流感的緣故。店內沒有雞鴨鵝,哪來禽流感?實在有辱人家的智慧。發電郵去follow up一個星期了,還沒有回音。浪費本就不應該,把自己包裝成一個socially responsible company然後以謊話掩飾浪費就更不應該。

2 則留言:

Daphne's Mom 說...

which starbucks did you go to?
the employees there 一定買你怕 :)

阿貓 說...

I just asked and did not give them a hard time. It's company policy. The staff were just executing. That's why I wrote to the company directly because that's where the knot is.