

問題: 用環保袋購物是否就是環保? 當各品牌商場超級市場都有自己的環保袋, 當你血拼後拿着一袋二袋的戰利品回家, 用環保袋購物是否仍然環保?


How Much Water is Needed?


99,935 litre 有多少?
  • 如果我每天喝8杯水(2 litre),我大概需要136.9年才會喝完。
  • 如果人的平均壽命是65,2 磅的牛肉所需的水足夠2個人喝一輩子。

99,935 litre 的水就是這麽多。


一包砂糖. 十萬里路

以下的故事讓我對放在面前的食物和global warming有了新的了解:

"To give an example of how ridiculous our global food distribution has become, California's Center for Urban Education About Sustainable Agriculture points to the saga of sugarcane.

Imagine you are sitting in a Hawaiian coffee shop pouring a packet of refined white sugar into your coffee mug. Would you know that the sugar you are about to drink was first processed in a plant across the street? But since the sugarcane was still in the pale brown raw stage, it was then shipped to the C&H (California and Hawaii) Refinery on the outskirts of San Francisco, turning it into snowy-white fine-grain sugar. Now it had to be packaged into little sealed paper packets for coffee shops, so the sugar then traveled across the U.S. to New York, where it was packaged and eventually distributed to restaurants around the nation, including the coffee shop in Hawaii. Ultimately, that package of sugar made a 10,000 mile round-trip processing journey before landing in your coffee mug."

一包砂糖. 十萬里路. 誰會想到?

Reference: Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall, Gary McAvoy and Gail Hudson


根據Harvest for Hope一書, 以下水果最容易受殺蟲劑污染:
  • Raspberries
  • Apples 蘋果
  • Peaches 桃
  • Cantaloupes
  • Cherries 櫻桃
  • Celery 芹菜
  • Green Beans
  • Grapes and raisins 葡萄
  • Potatoes 馬鈴薯
  • Spinach 菠菜
  • Tomatoes 番茄
  • Winter squash
  • Strawberries 草莓
如果想減低風險, 該書建議消費者購買有機產品.

Reference: Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall, Gary McAvoy and Gail Hudson



  • 用以製造純淨水瓶的通常是一種對環境有傷害性的東西,PET(polyethylene terephthalate)
  • 要製造1 kgPET需要17.5 kg的水,比裝在裏面的水還要多
  • 當美國2002年膠水瓶的回收再造率為10%,我們有理由相信無錫的情況會更糟


Reference: Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall, Gary McAvoy and Gail Hudson