- 用了雨傘袋,地便不會濕滑。
- 雨傘袋製造廢物。要re-use太不方便,所以我相信一般人不會bother。如果每個人都去到哪,拿到哪,那數量便會很驚人。
- 如果不用雨傘袋,工作人員會不會被誤會為失職?
最後,我把雨傘捆好(minimize damage),對派雨傘袋的先生說不,太浪費了。
最後,我把雨傘捆好(minimize damage),對派雨傘袋的先生說不,太浪費了。
從報章報道中所知,除97年外,香港從未再發生過禽流感傳人的個案,只是間中有禽鳥被驗出有H5N1,人有流感,貓有流感,鳥或雞有流感,只是常識而已,究竟有多少只患病,誰都不知道,... 更多更危及人生命的事,卻沒有一專家跑出來要禁這禁那!... 每年吸煙患肺癌的夠多了吧?政府何時肯下定決心禁售香煙,又有哪個專家敢提出香港要做零香煙都市?... 要所有雞只不患病根本就是不可能的任務...
When I visited Starbucks last week, I found that disposable eating utensils like paper plates, plastic knifes and forks were used even for eat-in. Below is my mail to them to query about it. I will report back if/ when they reply.
Hi, I am a regular customer of your your store on [location]. When I visited it last week, I found that disposable eating utensils like paper plates, plastic knifes and forks were used even for eat-in. If I remember correctly, Starbucks used to provide non-disposable ones.
- Why the change for the less environmental friendly option?
- Is it a temporary measure?
- Is it implemented in all stores in Hong Kong or just the [location]?
Kindly advise.
Thank you for your attention.
I'm well aware that in the grand scheme of things, all of this is unlikely to make a jot of difference on its own. But it's all about how I feel about myself - what kind of person would I be if I simply gave up and immersed myself in the kind of complacent profligacy that surrounds us all? Sorry if it sounds a bit pat, but I would much rather be part of the solution than part of the problem.
In addition, if I can demonstrate to my friends and neighbours that it's possible to live a sustainable life without being forced to wear any kind of hairshirt, then they're more likely to follow my example. They might save a few quid as well, and that's going to become ever more important.
What is it that heals? Is healing a power of the mind? Or of the heart? Or is healing by Divine grace?
There is no simple and direct answer. Illness is an interplay of forces. When healing is needed, it is because there is some sort of disorder in the physical body. The cause of the disorder can be of a variety of natures that we have to clearly investigate. The disorder may be a karmic condition. Or perhaps there are psychological difficulties that cause reflections or disorders in the body, which in time and under certain pressure can become real organic troubles. Sometimes we may make ourselves sick through wrong action or wrong food. Sometimes we simply neglect our bodies.
Remember that pain or illness is not a punishment. That is an over-simplification of our understanding of karma. Healing is a learning process. Sometimes it is an opportunity. You may have to begin with the Light of Understanding of the purpose of your life, of your present condition. Can you let that Light spread into other areas? Can you recognize the Light of compassion, or love? Ask yourself, What do I need to learn from my physical condition? What is the energy that created me in the first place? Where does life come from? Who am I? Healing is not a hit and miss affair as it seems to many people.
Healing is a situation where we meet ourselves. We meet ourselves.
男的100,女的80,就算是烏龜也稱不上年輕。世上就只剩下4隻楊子龜,3男1女,而當事龜大概有50-60年沒有見過同類,要成事絕非易事,可是沒辦法,總不能眼白白看著它們絕種。詳情請看It's love or bust for Yangtze turtles.
To action alone hast thou a right and never at all to its fruits; let not the fruits of action be thy motive. - Bhagavad Gita