
Inquiry to Starbucks

Hello there,

I'd like to inquire if Starbucks require, or plan to require, their staff to ask customers if they prefer coffee mug or paper cup, especially when dining in. It is quite common to see most, if not all, customers having a paper cup on their table, which is apparently a waste of paper -- I will leave the financial side to your managers. In a survey I recently did on my blog, when dining in only 2 out of 9 respondents (22%) prefer paper cup. 6 (66%) prefer coffee mug with 1 (11%) no preference. Could you please respond?



2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

試過有好多次呢, 去到starbucks 或者太平洋咖啡買野飲, 佢地一般都唔問係咪 stay in.. 試過好多次要自己主動開聲話唔該用瓷杯上。

阿貓 說...

I think paper cup is the "default", and most customers don't care enough to object. Therefore, to change this, we as customers have to let them know.