
我可以開着水喉刷牙嗎? Part 2

  • 2006年的夏天是中國半世紀以來最嚴重的旱季,華南地區的省份共有250萬人和180萬頭牲畜受乾旱影響
  • 儘管廣東省本身亦出現數次嚴重旱災,但仍向本港供應餘下70%食水

Reference: 世界自然基金會節約用水小貼士

2 則留言:

Daphne's Mom 說...

yes, doing these small things in daily life can help save the world, hurray!

阿貓 說...

There are many things that we can do to help save the planet. Sometimes it's hard to decide (e.g. paper diapers vs. cloths diapers), still I like to believe that where there is a heart (will is not enough), there is a way.